As we’re all well too aware, the Corona virus Pandemic is changing the way we live our daily lives in ways we couldn’t have imagined 6 months ago. One of the most obvious ways it has changed many peoples daily routines is the fact that we’re working from home and thus spending a lot more time there. As a pest control guy I’m lucky for many reasons. I’m lucky to
still have a job, and I’m lucky to get to leave my home and work outside. Since I visit other people’s homes on a daily basis I’ve realized that many of us are making observations and learning things about or homes that we never knew before. This is especially true when it comes to pests. When you spend your whole day at the house you’re much more likely to observe the myriad of different pests that exist among us. With this in mind and in the spirit of home improvement I’ve made a list of common pest control mistakes people make at their homes that tend to attract these pesky pests.
Some of the most common pest control mistakes are:
Excess Moisture/Standing Water:
Standing water and excess moisture are by far one of the most common pest attractants we see. Since water is the first requisite for life it stands to reason that too much of it can create an environment for pests to thrive. Excess water can take
on many forms. It can be as simple as a bucket holding rainwater for Mosquitoes to breed or even a leaky faucet that drips and creates a bug oasis on the exterior of your home. Care should be taken to reduce or remove excess moisture around the home.
Debris/Junk Piled up next to the House:
When you stack items up on the exterior of your house you’re really just creating a perfect habitat for a host of different insects and vertebrate pests. Debris piles create tiny void areas that stay dark and humid. These areas are ideal homes for Roaches, Ants, Spiders, and even Rats and Mice. Whenever possible you should never stack bricks, stone, lumber, cardboard, trash bags, or anything else up next to your house. In the case of scrap lumber, firewood, and even cardboard you have the very real danger of also attracting Subterranean Termites to your home.
Feeding Birds or Squirrels:
This one is a tough one for me because I love birds and when I had the opportunity I definitely put out a feeder. The thing about feeding birds and squirrels is that you have to be comfortable with the fact that you’re also feeding Rats, Mice, and often even Possums and Raccoons. You may not always see these animals but rest assured they love that millet, milo, sunflower, and cracked corn just as much as the birds do. When you attract these pests close to your home there is a better chance of them entering your home and they can also bring in nasty parasites like Fleas and Ticks.
Heavy Landscaping and Foliage:
When it comes to landscaping around your home the old adage less is more definitely applies. Thick lush landscaping while beautiful and aesthetically pleasing also tends to attract large numbers of insects and rodents. One of the best example of
this is Ivy. Ivy often forms large mats that grow as ground cover or even up walls. This thick cover creates perfect conditions for every type of exterior cockroach there is. I have also personally witnessed huge populations of millipedes breeding under these plants which often leads to mass migrations of the multi-legged intruders inside the home. Heavy landscaping can
also attract Termites.
Entry Points:
Since the average adult American Cockroach can fit through gaps the width of a quarter it is of utmost importance that we seal exterior entry points to our homes. Some examples of these areas are: weep holes, cracks around windows and in brick siding, gaps in siding, and gaps under doors. Most homes have no shortage of these areas that can often be corrected with caulking, screening, and door sweeps. Since we’re all stuck at our homes now is prime time to make a few tweaks here and there to keep the bugs at bay.
To help with your pest control issues, contact Hunter Pest Control today.

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